Thursday, February 25, 2010

Which photo editing software should I download? GIMP or


I'm a beginner photographer and I was wondering which software to download.

Any thoughts? Pros? Cons?

Any help/advice appreciated!

ToraWhich photo editing software should I download? GIMP or
I'd go with GIMP. I use it for most of my own work -- everything from retouching to creative changes to restoration of old or damaged photos.

The major things I would note:

1. I find GIMP's interface to be easier to use for my purposes -- I often have a lot of programs open and once, and the ability to have a program in, and GIMP's windows scattered where I want them, is helpful for me. For instance, I can have the GIMP image window next to a browser window with a different image open, and the color palette with it to match colors. I'm just more comfortable with the GIMP layout.

2. Some feel that is a easier to use. However, I honestly didn't find much of a difference. Just the same, you might.

3. I've found that for my purposes, GIMP has better features. While all the features are the same, I've noticed differences in quality and prefer GIMP.

A few other things I'd like to remind you of:

1. Scott Moschella has created a version of GIMP that is closer to the interface of Photoshop or It's still the same program, but it looks a little different. I personally don't prefer it, but many do. You can find it at:

2. Be careful with what you're editing. Try to avoid editing your lighting, colors, etc. -- make that something to do with the camera, not with an editor. Focus on getting quality images, and using photo editing programs not as a medium to achieve them, but to do more with them.

3. Always save original copies of your images as well, if you make a change to an image.Which photo editing software should I download? GIMP or
Picnik, FotoFlexer or Lunapic are great all round web based and FREE editing tools. Adobe, makers of the expensive Photoshop, now has a free website version in Photoshop Express. If you need/want more features downloading GIMP is a great options. Still free, but you have to download the software. There are also free tools to add text blurbs, to make collages, to put your photo into other images. There are a number of tools that allow you to put the image of a face into other photos for some fun creations. Check out the links below for more ideas.…
if you have hard drive space , you can try both, gimp takes up around 30mb plus any brushes and plugins , up to 100+, and Paint dot net, is smaller 3 MB+, but requires .NET framework, if not already installed, up to 300mb extra,

Gimp ~image editor,…


if you have camera, or are planning to buy new, check for software that comes with package and online,

PhotoPlus ~requires email confirmation for free code,…

Photobie: req. .NET framework,


GIMP is a lot more indepth; but is a lot more user-friendly, especially for beginners.

Why not try both?
you can get some help from here.
Get both - they're free so you have nothing to loose. Personally I prefer GIMP. It's much closer to Photoshop in its capabilities.
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