Thursday, February 25, 2010

What software is the best choice for drawing and painting on the computer?

adobe, photoshop, other?What software is the best choice for drawing and painting on the computer?
For drawing, Adobe Illustrator gives me the cleanest, sharpest results. For painting, I LOVE Adobe Photoshop, but I know many artists that SWEAR that Painter is a much better application. I've tried Painter, backin school, but I still like Photoshop better. It may be that I'm just more familiar, therefore more comfortable with it.What software is the best choice for drawing and painting on the computer?
;-) For drawing and painting on the computer I like tempera paints ;-)

Before I get serious let me just point out that Nam June Paik did many beautiful pieces where he refashioned TV sets and early computers into sculptures which played tapes he had recorded. He was a pioneer of digital art who didn't need no software.

For paint programs Adobe Photoshop is the best hands down. Nobody knows interfacing with commercial printers like Adobe does. The down side of paint program though, is the pictures are not very scalable. They are only clear at a certain resolution.

That is why we have vector drawing programs. My personal favorite is inkscape. Its interface is simpler and less in-your-face than Illustrator's but still quite flexible. I detest Illustrator's UI. I am a Linux user and will compare it to the konqueror web browser (that is a VERY low dig. They should pass a law against konqueror's user interface and punish everyone who doesn't immediately switch to safari or google chrome which slap decent UIs on the same web browsing engine as konqueror). Inkscape is also open source. Unlike gimp, which doesn't handle commercial printers well, Inkscape renderes that irrelevant by exporting files as Illustrator SVGs or as eps files you can literally type to your standard printer and get professional output from.

You get the right tool for the right job, and for me the right tools are Photoshop and Inkscape.

Anime Studio 5

Pro tools
artweaver freeware worth trying if just like get toes wet to see like painting with a pc

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